Title: On the Study of the Change of the Upper Westerlies in the Last Stage of Baiu Season (Rainy Season in Japan)
Abstract:We observe two jet streams in the upper westerlies during the Baiu season, which are situated along the 140°E meridian at 35°N and 60°N, respectively. These two jet streams join in a gingle stream ove...We observe two jet streams in the upper westerlies during the Baiu season, which are situated along the 140°E meridian at 35°N and 60°N, respectively. These two jet streams join in a gingle stream over the Bering Sea. The southern branch of the jet stream is always observed over Japan during the Baiu season. When cut-off low appears near Japan in the end of the Baiu, the southern branch of the jet stream disappears suddenly. In the higher latitudes, however, the jet stream stays at the some latitude. When the jet stream over Japan disappears, the field of the confluence of jet streams will also give way, and then the Baiu will be over. That is to say, the cut-off low disturbs greatly the upper westerlies near. Japan, and accelerates the northward advancement of the warm air. Then the summer comes to Japan.According to the conclusion derived from the above discussion, we know that the transition of season (from the Baiu to summer) will be very sudden.Read More