Title: Geometric constructions on the algebra of densities
Abstract:The algebra of densities $\Den(M)$ is a commutative algebra canonically associated with a given manifold or supermanifold $M$. We introduced this algebra earlier in connection with our studies of Bata...The algebra of densities $\Den(M)$ is a commutative algebra canonically associated with a given manifold or supermanifold $M$. We introduced this algebra earlier in connection with our studies of Batalin--Vilkovisky geometry. The algebra $\Den(M)$ is graded by real numbers and possesses a natural invariant scalar product. This leads to important geometric consequences and applications to geometric constructions on the original manifold. In particular, there is a classification theorem for derivations of the algebra $\Den(M)$. It allows a natural definition of bracket operations on vector densities of various weights on a (super)manifold $M$, similar to how the classical Fr\"{o}licher--Nijenhuis theorem on derivations of the algebra of differential forms leads to the Nijenhuis bracket. It is possible to extend this classification from "vector fields" (derivations) on $\Den(M)$ to "multivector fields". This leads to the striking result that an arbitrary even Poisson structure on $M$ possesses a canonical lifting to the algebra of densities. (The latter two statements were obtained by our student A.Biggs.) This is in sharp contrast with the previously studied case of an odd Poisson structure, where extra data are required for such a lifting.Read More