Title: Pratik Chakrabarti, Western science in modern India: metropolitan methods, colonial practices, The ‘Opus 1’ series, New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2004, pp. xi, 328, Rs 695 (hardback, 81-7824-078-5).
Abstract:Pratik Chakrabarti, Western science in modern India: metropolitan methods, colonial practices, The ‘Opus 1’ series, New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2004, pp. xi, 328, Rs 695 (hardback, 81-7824-078-5). - V...Pratik Chakrabarti, Western science in modern India: metropolitan methods, colonial practices, The ‘Opus 1’ series, New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2004, pp. xi, 328, Rs 695 (hardback, 81-7824-078-5). - Volume 50 Issue 2Read More