Title: Apparent Terminal Velocity of Spherical Particles in Fly Ash Slurry
Abstract:The object of this work is to measure the terminal settling velocity of a single sphere and the apparent terminal velocity of spheres in the fly ash slurry. In addition, it has been attempted to apply...The object of this work is to measure the terminal settling velocity of a single sphere and the apparent terminal velocity of spheres in the fly ash slurry. In addition, it has been attempted to apply the equation (8), which was available for the terminal settling velocities of particles in the water, to those in the fly ash slurry.To eliminate the accelerated part of fall from the measurement of the terminal settling velocity of a sphere, the experiment on the accelerated motion of a sphere particle was carried out and the experimental values were in close agreement with the calculated values by equation (1).From the numerical solution of eq.(1), the empirical formulas for the modified dimentionless accelerated time T* and distance L* were then derived as eq.(10) and (14).The terminal settling velocity of a single sphere in the fly ash could be measured beyond the accelerated region by means of eq.(1) and the apparent viscocity of the fly ash slurry was evaluated from the velocity. Substituting these values into eq.(8), the apparent terminal velocity of spheres in the fly ash slurry could be approximately estimated.Read More