Title: Development of Flexible Thermoelectric Cells and Performance Investigation of Thermoelectric Materials for Power Generation
Abstract:This paper presents experimental performance results for custom made thermoelectric generator. Two fabrication methods, powder compaction and painting over flexible substrate have been proposed and in...This paper presents experimental performance results for custom made thermoelectric generator. Two fabrication methods, powder compaction and painting over flexible substrate have been proposed and investigated. Experimental performance results have been presented for thermoelectric cells made from alloying Bismuth (Bi), Tellurium (Te) and Antimony (Sb). Powdered P-type (Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3) and N-type (Bi2Te3) thermoelectric materials were chosen for the construction of the thermoelectric cell. Experimental results showed that P-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 had Seebeck coefficient of 211.77 μV/°C and while N-typeBi2Te3 had a Seebeck coefficient of 109.09 μV/°C. The flexible thermoelectric generator hasshown linear increase in open circuit voltage with increase in temperature difference across the cold and hot side.Read More