Title: Spin Effects in Diffractive $J/\Psi$ Leptoproduction and Structure of Pomeron Coupling
Abstract:We calculate the cross section and the $A_{ll}$ asymmetry of the diffractive vector meson leptoproduction for a simple model of the pomeron coupling with the proton. It is found that the sensitivity o...We calculate the cross section and the $A_{ll}$ asymmetry of the diffractive vector meson leptoproduction for a simple model of the pomeron coupling with the proton. It is found that the sensitivity of the spin--dependent cross section of the diffractive $J/\Psi$ production to the pomeron coupling structure is rather weak. The conclusion is made that it will be difficult to study the structure of the pomeron coupling with the proton in future polarized diffractive experiments on the $J/\Psi$ production.Read More