Title: Feeding Maize Straw Silage and Concentrate to Bali Cattle Cow in South Sulawesi
Abstract:Study was conducted at the Livestock Farms in Pinrang 2015.The purpose of the study was to improve Bali cattle cow feeding with maize straw silage and concentrate.The study used 20 Bali cattle cow wit...Study was conducted at the Livestock Farms in Pinrang 2015.The purpose of the study was to improve Bali cattle cow feeding with maize straw silage and concentrate.The study used 20 Bali cattle cow with the age of about 2.5-3 years and an average weight of 200 kg, were divided into four treatments with five replicates, namely: (A) Maize straw silage 30% + elephant grass 60% + concentrate 10%; (B) Maize straw silage 50% + elephant grass 40% + concentrate 10%; (C) Maize straw silage 70% + elephant grass 20% + concentrate 10%; (D) Maize straw silage 100% + concentrate 10%.The results showed the protein content of maize straw silage was 9.30% with crude fiber content of 25.14% and 1.63% of fat.Treatment B and C gave weight gain of 0.32 kg/head/day, treatment D of 0.30 kg/head/day, and the lowest weight gain was treatment A 0.23 kg/head/day.Feed consumption maximum was 6.36 kg/head/day obtained from treatment B followed by treatments D, C, and A respectively 6.18 kg/head/day, 5.45 kg/head/day and 5.28 kg/head/day.The lowest feed conversion obtain from treatment C was 17.03, then a treatment B, D, and A with respective values of 19.8, 20.6, and 22.9.It can be concluded that feeding maize straw silage up to 100% as a forage source, supplemented by concentrate as a protein source were able to improve the body condition of the Bali cattle cow.Read More