Title: Reply to Yamini and Nestorovich: Alternate clamped states of the anthrax toxin protective antigen channel
Abstract:Yamini and Nestorovich (1) recently commented on our article in PNAS (2). In their letter, they weigh in on two issues with the previously reported (3, 4) alternate conductance substate of the protect...Yamini and Nestorovich (1) recently commented on our article in PNAS (2). In their letter, they weigh in on two issues with the previously reported (3, 4) alternate conductance substate of the protective antigen (PA) translocase channel.
The first point they raised was whether the conductance substate was a clamped state of the PA channel’s phenylalanine clamp (ϕ-clamp) site. We believe that such is the case because when the ϕ-clamp was mutated from phenylalanine to alanine, the current difference between the two substates of the channel increased …
[↵][1]1Email: bkrantz{at}umaryland.edu.
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