Title: Survey on Prevalence of Canine Cutaneous Myiasis in Some Selected Kebeles of Dire Dawa City Administration
Abstract:ABSTRACT A cross sectional study of canine cutaneous myiasis was conducted in five randomly selected kebeles of Dire Dawa Administrative council from December 2009 up to April 2010 to determine the pr...ABSTRACT A cross sectional study of canine cutaneous myiasis was conducted in five randomly selected kebeles of Dire Dawa Administrative council from December 2009 up to April 2010 to determine the prevalence of canine cutaneous myiasis and to assess factors that determine the occurrence of the disease specifically in dog. Active questionnaire survey among 60 households were used for which 384 dogs were sampled. From a total of 384 dogs, 162 (42.19%) were found harboring the disease cutaneous myiasis among this 120 (74.07%) were infested with the 3 rd and 2 nd instar larvae of Cordylobiaantropophaga. whereas the remaining 42(25.93%) observed dogs were found infested with cutaneous myiasis. The larvae were identified in Dire Dawa regional diagnostic veterinary parasitology laboratory. Analysis of active questionnaire survey showed that there is no statistically significance difference in the prevalence of disease among different breeds and sexes (P >0.05). In this study, an overall prevalence rate of 162 (42.19%) was found with a statistically significant association among different age groups, housing system and living area (kebele) (P<0.05). Higher prevalence was recorded at 02 kebele (Sabian area) 59 (54.65%), 03 Kebele (Depo and number-one), 43(44.33%), 04 Keble (Gende kore and Greek camp) 33(37.50%), Addis Ketema. 27(51.92%) and05 Keeble (Dechatu) 0(0%). There was 121(49.59%) confined dogs and 41(29.29%) were stray dogs which let out without any control, and puppies of age less than 6 month old (71.56 %), and dogs of age range between 6 months and 18months (79.03%) while those of greater than 18 months (16.43%), were least affected.Read More