Title: Karakteristik Kimia dan Organoleptik Flakes Kacang Hijau dengan Penambahan Bahan Pengisi dan Air
Abstract:(Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Mung Bean Flakes with The Addition of Fillers and Water) ABSTRACT. The objective of this research was to determine the chemical and organoleptic character...(Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Mung Bean Flakes with The Addition of Fillers and Water) ABSTRACT. The objective of this research was to determine the chemical and organoleptic characteristics of mung bean flakes with the addition of fillers and water. The study was conducted using completely randomized design with two factors namely the addition of fillers and water. The results showed that the addition of fillers and water has significant (P≤0,01) effect on the water absorption ratio and protein levels of mung bean flakes. The best treatment was obtained by the mung bean flour without the addition of fillers with 150% of addition water with water absorption ratio of 204%, water content of 5,7%, protein of 22,01%, starch levels of 61,76%, organoleptic values of aroma of 2,61, color of 2,42, crispness of 2,72 and flavor of 2,83.Read More