Title: Color Systems and Color Image Enhancement Methods
Abstract:There are many color systems. Some systems are correspond to the human visual system, such as the Munsell color system. Other systems are formulated to ease data processing in machines, such as RGB co...There are many color systems. Some systems are correspond to the human visual system, such as the Munsell color system. Other systems are formulated to ease data processing in machines, such as RGB color space. At first, Munsell color system is introduced in this paper. Next, RGB color system and hue-saturation-intensity (HSI) color system which is derived from RGB color systems are reviewed. HSI color system is important, because HSI color system is closely related to Munsell color system. We introduce the advantage and drawbacks of the conventional HSI color space. Furthermore, the improved HSI color system is introduced. The second half of this paper, we introduce a lot of color image enhancement methods based on the histogram equalization or the differential histogram equalization. Since hue preserving is necessary for color image processing, intensity processing methods by using both intensity and saturation in HSI color space are reviewed. Finally, hue preserving color image enhancement methods in RGB color system are explained.Read More