Title: Supporting K-12 Teachers that Want to Build Their Own Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Interactive Digital Whiteboards
Abstract:Abstract Supports for K-‐12 Teachers Building Do-‐It-‐Yourself (DIY) Interactive Digital Whiteboards While some K-‐12 teachers in the U.S. have been given access to interactive digital whiteboards...Abstract Supports for K-‐12 Teachers Building Do-‐It-‐Yourself (DIY) Interactive Digital Whiteboards While some K-‐12 teachers in the U.S. have been given access to interactive digital whiteboards in their classrooms, many others have not. In this paper, we examine three case studies in which teachers were provided with the supports needed to build their own do-‐it-‐yourself (DIY) interactive digital whiteboards, similar to those sold by commercial companies such as SmartBoard and Promethean, but at a small fraction of the price. Three case studies analyzing the application by an inservice teacher of the online resources and supports provided to assist them in building a DIY interactive whiteboard are provided. Unique components of each teachersexperience are described and then the three teachers are compared on the samecomponents. The case studies demonstrate that each teacher had unique components oftheir experience, but that there were also common features. These differences helpedillustrate what idiosyncratic frustrations might occur during the building process, whilethe common features point out a possible roadmap of expectations regarding other similarundertakings to build a DIY interactive whiteboard. Researchers and teachers that attend this presentation and that wish to build their own DIY interactive whiteboard will be given access to online resources and supports so that they too can build a low-‐cost DIY interactive whiteboard.Read More