Title: Mamãe galinha, menina joaninha: representações dos animais no livro infantil e suas possibilidades na educação científica
Abstract:Contemporary children's literature includes different presentation mechanisms with the intention of reaching the universe of the reader, therefore, illiterate children or early literacy phase may have...Contemporary children's literature includes different presentation mechanisms with the intention of reaching the universe of the reader, therefore, illiterate children or early literacy phase may have the pleasure of reading achieved with or without help of an adult.There are two useful paths, entertainment and education, which can not be dissociated since children's literature in the form we know today do not get to entertain without educationally turning a bit the individual.As it is a material historically linked with literacy, the children's book is often present in the classroom and daily life of child.Taking account the former character of the book, this research analyzes children's literature based on the investigation of figurative and thematic representation given to the animal characters of the stories in order to explore their potential for science teaching.To determine the analytical methodology we support the framework provided by generative trajectory of the greimasian semiotics from the perspective of language.Animal characters chosen for this study were chickens and ladybugs found in six books available in libraries and reading rooms of municipal public schools from Guarulhos / São Paulo.To extend and at the same time as a result of our analyzes, we discuss some interventions experiences applied in classrooms elaborates within JOANINHA Project -Play, Observe, Learn, Narrate: Investigating Nature, History and Art in Preschoolaccomplished in the same municipal schools where the books were collected.The interventions were conducted in two groups of children in literacy stage aged 5 and 7 years, and organizes by Interfaces research group wich this paper is part.The results achieved indicate that children's book brings figures and themes about animal characters has values historically produced by society and it reflect the children's learning.These figurative ideas are predominate when compared the others, that's why it allows articulation with the themes related to scientific phenomena.At the same time, they mask certain characteristics and behaviors of the animals and our relationships with them, thus, they require the watchful eye to take the book to the realm of science education.Read More