Title: Informing for Operations: The First Principia
Abstract:For more than 25 years, the framework of Ives, Hamilton, and Davis (1980) for research in computer-based (C-B) management information systems served hundreds of doctoral dissertations without yielding...For more than 25 years, the framework of Ives, Hamilton, and Davis (1980) for research in computer-based (C-B) management information systems served hundreds of doctoral dissertations without yielding results of lasting validity. This paper summarizes the more lasting results from prior studies about the nature of informing for operations (whether human or robotic) as seen through the lens of decision-situation models. The model and framework of thinking about informing for operations entails fundamental concepts; basic distinctions; universal taxonomy of informing factors, their qualities, and priorities of their examination for research and practical applications; and quality requirements for factors in form and in substance. The paper summarizes the first identified principia. Informing and information, viewed physically, provides insights that clarify several controversial issues. This paper is presented to elicit challenge, critique, discussion, and suggestions in order to develop a mutual consensus among those dealing with informing.Read More
Title: $Informing for Operations: The First Principia
Abstract: For more than 25 years, the framework of Ives, Hamilton, and Davis (1980) for research in computer-based (C-B) management information systems served hundreds of doctoral dissertations without yielding results of lasting validity. This paper summarizes the more lasting results from prior studies about the nature of informing for operations (whether human or robotic) as seen through the lens of decision-situation models. The model and framework of thinking about informing for operations entails fundamental concepts; basic distinctions; universal taxonomy of informing factors, their qualities, and priorities of their examination for research and practical applications; and quality requirements for factors in form and in substance. The paper summarizes the first identified principia. Informing and information, viewed physically, provides insights that clarify several controversial issues. This paper is presented to elicit challenge, critique, discussion, and suggestions in order to develop a mutual consensus among those dealing with informing.