Title: Educational Model of a Modern Student: European Scope
Abstract:The paper presents the results of the research of educational ideals in a philosophicalcontext. The essence of the educational ideal is shown in interrelations of the categories“opportunity” and “real...The paper presents the results of the research of educational ideals in a philosophicalcontext. The essence of the educational ideal is shown in interrelations of the categories“opportunity” and “reality”, “concrete” and “abstract”, “content” and “form”, “cause” and“effect”, “freedom” and “necessity”. The author emphasizes the need to reorient moderneducational process on universal values for successful integration. Much attention is paid tonational educational ideal of a personality. The necessity of taking into account the pedagogicalwork of the teacher ideological, political, ethnic, religious, racial differences among students, atolerant attitude to their philosophical ideas and beliefs. The research deals with the need to focuson joint counteraction to extremism and terrorismRead More