Title: A Study on the Expression and the Sense of Time in Contemporary Architectural Space
Abstract:This study is aimed to identify the expression and the sense of time in contemporary architectural space. And to classify the system and elements of Zeitlichkeit in the contemporary architectural desi...This study is aimed to identify the expression and the sense of time in contemporary architectural space. And to classify the system and elements of Zeitlichkeit in the contemporary architectural design. The concept of time can be divided into two meaningful perceptions. Those are the concept of realistic time and the concept of subjective time. These tendencies of theories of architectural space has borrowed from innovations in the sciences, and the whole idea of space-time within art and architecture. Those notions developed through the researches of Bauhaus, Postmodernism, Landscape architecture, Digital Architecture and so forth. The result of this study is that the concepts of time are one of the most important strategies of architectural design and have the various languages which there was not in the past. At the point of the transformation in contemporary architecture, the The concepts of space-time are classified into those from the orders of form and space, from dynamic of the image in the dissolution of architectural form, from traces and steps of movement in dynamic form, and from the systems of commands in the digital softwares. As such, Zeitlichkeit in contemporary architecture means that the architecture moves from the construction of the sensual design elements into Art of life through events and contents which human can experience and recognize. These theories and researches reveal that contemporary architectural movements insert the meaningful stories into architectural space through programs and diagrams.Read More