Title: Determining the Incidence and Factors of Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Anthracycline and/or Trastuzumab-Containing Regimen at Aurora Health Care
Abstract:Background: Anthracycline and trastuzumab are common breast cancer treatments. While improving survival, they elevate risk of congestive heart failure. The incidence of cardiotoxicity (CTx) with these...Background: Anthracycline and trastuzumab are common breast cancer treatments. While improving survival, they elevate risk of congestive heart failure. The incidence of cardiotoxicity (CTx) with these therapies varies in the literature from 10% to 59%, higher than those reported in clinical trials (4%–10%) that excluded patients with preexisting cardiovascular comorbidities. Studies have failed to establish consensus on the risk factors for CTx associated with these therapies.Read More