Title: An Empirical Study of the Military IoT Security Priorities
Abstract:Recently, in many countries, military has adopted Cloud, Big Data, IoT, etc. in order to win the war.Therefore, a favorable environment for future battles based on the soldiers with a variety of IoT t...Recently, in many countries, military has adopted Cloud, Big Data, IoT, etc. in order to win the war.Therefore, a favorable environment for future battles based on the soldiers with a variety of IoT technologies that will foster and build elite combat forces in the center can be expected.Similar to the conventional Internet environment, IoT is not only the type of security threat for a variety of networks, data, and personal information for each of the features has also identified protocol management.Therefore, to enhance the security of the environment in the future IoT based on full-length, it is necessary to study the security priority.A recent survey of military IT professionals shows communications / network security is the most important sector.In addition, the survey can distinguish between the security field will be considered fragile.To the study of future IoT-based battlefield, see the results of this study are reflected in the professional military security structure, we should effectively against threats expected in a given amount of the budget.Read More