Title: Length-weight and length-length relationships of five fish species in the Atrai River, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Abstract:A total of 502 specimens were obtained during monthly samplings from July to December 2015, by fishermen using seine nets, gillnets and cast nets. Length–weight (LWRs) and length–length (LLRs) relatio...A total of 502 specimens were obtained during monthly samplings from July to December 2015, by fishermen using seine nets, gillnets and cast nets. Length–weight (LWRs) and length–length (LLRs) relationships were estimated for five fish species collected from the Atrai River in the northwestern region of Bangladesh. The values of slope (b) in LWRs (r2 > .913, p < .001) were determined as 2.899 for Aspidoparia jaya, 3.059 for Gagata cenia, 3.004 for Gagata youssoufi, 2.755 for Salmophasia bacaila, and 3.222 for Salmophasia phulo, respectively. The linear relationships in TL, FL and SL were highly correlated (for all cases: r2 > .897, p < .001). No previous information on LWRs (except for G. cenia) and LLRs (except for S. bacaila) of these selected species were found in FishBase.Read More