Title: Room-temperature Stress Relaxation in a Ti-Fe-O Alloy
Abstract:Stress relaxation behavior of a Ti-Fe-O alloy was investigated at room temperature, varying pre-strain level and pre-strain rate. The relaxation behavior is independent of pre-strain. And the stress r...Stress relaxation behavior of a Ti-Fe-O alloy was investigated at room temperature, varying pre-strain level and pre-strain rate. The relaxation behavior is independent of pre-strain. And the stress relaxation rate decreases with relaxation time. At the early stage of relaxation, 0 to 200s, the stress relaxation rate increases with pre-strain rate. However, after 200s, it does not depend on pre-strain rate as dσ/dt=-19.6t-1, where dσ/dt and t are stress relaxation rate and relaxation time, respectively.Read More