Title: The Relationship between Broncho-esophagology and the Mediastinum. Mediastinoscopy and Thoracoscopic Surgery of the Mediastinum.
Abstract:The Mediastinum is one of the most important locations in the human body, though this is not widely recognized because of its miscellaneous nature. Mediastinoscopy is an endoscopy to the mediastinum. ...The Mediastinum is one of the most important locations in the human body, though this is not widely recognized because of its miscellaneous nature. Mediastinoscopy is an endoscopy to the mediastinum. It is used to find the mediastinal metastasis of lung cancer. The mediastinoscopic findings can be applied to know the operability of lung cancer. Thoracoscopy is also used in diagnosing mediastinal disease. Endoscopic vision using a thoracoscope is better than mediastinoscopy. Thoracoscopy, therefore, is used in preference to mediastinoscopy to diagnose mediastinal lesions when both are possible. Endoscopic surgery is a better treatment than open thoracotomy, but we must not depend on it since it can lead to complication.Read More