Title: Postmodernizm ve Tanrı’nın Ölümü: Öznenin Arkeolojisi Üzerine Bir Deneme
Abstract:Postmodernism is a settling accounts with modernism in the cause of diversity and freedom.Though modernist discourse was initially based on freedom and autonomy or self-government, it has eventually c...Postmodernism is a settling accounts with modernism in the cause of diversity and freedom.Though modernist discourse was initially based on freedom and autonomy or self-government, it has eventually created a power that established dominance over individuals and did not allow of different subjectiveness.Behind the elimination of diversities and the loss of freedom lies the power and hegemony of Modern Subject.With the dismission of God, modern subject has got its power by acceding to the God's throne, and thereafter science and rational thinking was substitued for religion.But, as a result of the destruction of God by Nietzsche in La Gaya Scienza, modern subject has lost the ground and legitimacy of its existence, and it has been consequently dissolved into a plurality of nihilistic worlds that can be repeatedly created through unending different interpretations.The influence of Nietzsche's views on postmodernist thinkers is so great that they, just as Nietzsche, tend to stay away from both science and religon for the sake of diversity and freedom.And postmodernist thought naturally abominate God who has a transcendental being and a formative and absolute authority over individual, society and history.That is why postmodernism has inclined to a genuine atheism or a religion with no God.Read More