Title: Study of diagnostic methods used in admitted malaria cases at tertiary care centre
Abstract:Background: Malaria is one of the most important vector borne diseases causing significant morbidity and mortality. With change in epidemiology, genetic perturbations and vector characteristic along w...Background: Malaria is one of the most important vector borne diseases causing significant morbidity and mortality. With change in epidemiology, genetic perturbations and vector characteristic along with P. Falciparum, P. Vivax cases also presents with complicated malaria leading to increased mortality. The objective was to study diagnostic methods used in admitted malaria cases at tertiary care centre.Methods: Retrospective record based descriptive study. The data was collected from the bed tickets in the record room of SCBMC, Cuttack, over 3 calendar years i.e. 2010, 2011 and 2012, using predesigned and pretested formats. The data thus collected were analysed using statistical software.Results: Out of total 8282 cases, in 5565 (67.2%) cases malaria test was done. In 294 (3.5%) cases test was done and in 2423 (29%) data was not available. Out of 5565 cases, in 3775 cases the test result was negative (67.84%). From the rest in 980 cases it was Plasmodium falciparum positive (17.61 %), in 163 cases it was Plasmodium vivax positive (2.93%), in 598 cases it was mixed positive (10.75 %) and in 49 tickets the details of the plasmodium species was not mentioned even though it was mentioned as MP positive. ICT was the commonest used modality of testing being used in 5375 out of 5565 cases (96.5%).Conclusions: Majority were positive for falciparum, followed by mixed for both Pf and Pv and remaining were positive only for P vivax. Antigen tests (such as ICT/RDK) were the main modalities of lab confirmation of parasite rather than the gold standard of slide test.Read More