Title: New Pie and More Pie—Funding for Canada Council for the Arts: An Interview with Guylaine Normandin and Geneviève Vallerand
Abstract:The interview took place on 5 February 2016 between when the Canada Council for the Arts had announced major changes to the funding model and when the new funding model would be in effect. It also too...The interview took place on 5 February 2016 between when the Canada Council for the Arts had announced major changes to the funding model and when the new funding model would be in effect. It also took place less than 6 months after a federal election, during which the Liberal Party platform included a promise to double funding for Canada Council for the Arts. The interview intended to unpack details, motivations, and challenges behind the new funding model. As well, the interview discussed poor levels of government funding for the arts, inadequate equity, and diversity in Canadian theatre, as well as the struggle many artists have with poverty. The interviewer was Darrah Teitel (Playwright and Grant Recipient) and the subject for the interview was Guylaine Normandin (Director of the Theatre Program for Canada Council for the Arts). Genevieve Vallerand (Head of Media Relations for Canada Council for the Arts) was also present for the conversation.Read More