Title: Monographia apum Angliæ; or, An attempt to divide into their naturla genera and families, such species of the Linnean genus Apis as have been discovered in England; with descriptions and observations. To which are prefixed some introductory remarks upon the class Hymenoptera, and a synoptical table of the nomenclature of the external parts of these insects
Abstract:Additional note to the history of Apis Manicata' p. 172-6.Since this work was printed off, the author met with the following passage in the Rev. Girperr Wuire's Naturalist's Calendar (p.109); which co...Additional note to the history of Apis Manicata' p. 172-6.Since this work was printed off, the author met with the following passage in the Rev. Girperr Wuire's Naturalist's Calendar (p.109); which confirms what he has observed upon the history of that insect: 'There is a sort of wild bee frequenting the garden campion for the sake of its tomentum, which probably it turns to some purpose in the business of nidification.It is very pleasant to see with what address it strips off the pubes, running from the top to the bottom of a branch, and shaving it bare with all the dexterity of a hoop-shaver.When it has got a bundle almost as large as itself, it flies away, holding it secure between its chin and its fore legs."Directions to the binder for placing the plates.Read More