Title: New Technological Approaches to the Analysis of Art Work in Literature Lessons
Abstract:This study raises the problems of teaching literature in modern school and reveals the content of teaching one of the core competencies which testifies to the development of literature as a school sub...This study raises the problems of teaching literature in modern school and reveals the content of teaching one of the core competencies which testifies to the development of literature as a school subject - the analysis of art work which should be understood as a creative interpretation, aimed at understanding the authors worldview, expressed in a particular text. Such goal-setting leads to an increase in the quality of work, which is transformed into a creative learning process, identity of the authors outlook, and with it, the process of students personality development as well as increased motivation to study literature in general. The article suggests guidelines for dealing with the art work during literature lessons and the excerpt from the lexical-semantic analysis which is a key component in the process of opening the research content of the art work is given as an example. Consistent work with words in the process of creative discovery of the art work should be a conceptual approach to the development of literature as a discipline.Read More