Title: The birds of Erie and Presque Isle, Erie County, Pennsylvania /
Abstract:a study of the birds of Long Point, on the Canadian shore opposite Presque Isle, would be a most welcome contribution to the general subject, and would afford a basis for a comparison that could not b...a study of the birds of Long Point, on the Canadian shore opposite Presque Isle, would be a most welcome contribution to the general subject, and would afford a basis for a comparison that could not be otherwise than interesting and instructive.In the present list, for the sake of uniformity, the nomenclature and sequence of species given in the '' Check-List of North American Birds,'' published by the American Ornithologists' Union, have been followed, with, however, a few lately published changes which have been proposed, but not yet formally accepted.Species whose occurrence is to be expected, but which have not been actually recorded, are included in their proper places, enclosed in brackets, usually with a brief statement of their extralimital records and with the proper references.Acknowledgments are due to all the parties above named as having contributed notes for use in the present connection, and also to Mrs. George B. Sennett, for permission to consult the collection of her late husband ;' to Dr. J. A. Allen, for his courtesy in affording the necessary facilities for examining the same, and to Dr. A. k.FisherRead More