Title: La política exterior republicana en los informes diplomáticos checoslovacos (1931-1936) = The Republican Foreign Policy in the Czechoslovakian Diplomatic Reports (1931-1936).
Abstract:This research is an approach to the study of the bilateral relations between the Second Spanish Republic and Czechoslovakia.The young Central European nation greeted enthusiastically the arrival of th...This research is an approach to the study of the bilateral relations between the Second Spanish Republic and Czechoslovakia.The young Central European nation greeted enthusiastically the arrival of the new Spanish regime. This good feeling was confirmed by the new Spanish way of dealing with the foreign affairs, very close to the spirit in which Prague was facing its international policy. As a result of this common interests was created in Geneva the Group of Eight, which included both countries.The three responsible persons for the Czecoslovakian diplomacy in Madrid during this period (Vlastimil Kybal, Zdeněk Formánek and Robert Flieder) reflected in the reports submitted to Prague the most important issues of the Republican foreign policy.Read More