Title: The fisheries considered as a national resource : with comments upon the laws relating to them : being a collection of articles on the state of the Irish fisheries published at different periods / by Robert Worthington.
Abstract:nastic institutions -being annexed to abbeys, and other religious houses.The weirs of Lismore, of Gill Abbey, and many others, were amongst the an- cient possessions of the Church.The Abbots of Mellif...nastic institutions -being annexed to abbeys, and other religious houses.The weirs of Lismore, of Gill Abbey, and many others, were amongst the an- cient possessions of the Church.The Abbots of Mellifont possessed three weirs upon the Boyne, and upon a writ of Monstrans de droit, in the reign of Edward III., their title was held good.St.Mary's Abbey at Dublin, enjoyed a special grant of fishery in the waters of the Avon Liffey ; and in the year 1220, the lordly Prior of Kilmainham had to submit to an inquiry, respecting his title to the structure, which forms the present Island-bridge weir.At Limerick, in the recent trials respecting the title to the great lax-weirRead More