Title: Towards a 4th generation storage ring at the Canadian Light Source
Abstract:Demands from beamline scientists for more brilliant sources of synchrotron radiation have resulted in the emergence of 4th generation (diffraction-limited) storage rings. The practical development of ...Demands from beamline scientists for more brilliant sources of synchrotron radiation have resulted in the emergence of 4th generation (diffraction-limited) storage rings. The practical development of the multi-bend achromat (MBA) concept by MAX IV lab has spurred many synchrotron light sources around the world to develop similar machines. For existing facilities two options are available: upgrading existing machines or building a new structure. The Canadian Light Source (CLS) has explored both options. For a new low emittance source in the existing CLS tunnel a decrease in electron energy would be required. A machine similar to the ALS upgrade could be contemplated. To achieve low emittance at our present energy of 2.9 GeV a new storage ring is desirable. Several options have been investigated. These designs use extremely strong focusing magnets to achieve extremely low emittances in compact lattice achromats.Read More