Title: The dodo and its kindred; or, The history, affinities, and osteology of the dodo, solitaire, and other extinct birds of the islands Mauritius, Rodriguez and Bourbon
Abstract:descriptions of unscientific voyagers, three or four oil paintings, and a few scattered osseous fragments, which have survived the neglect of two hundred years.The paleontologist has, in many cases, f...descriptions of unscientific voyagers, three or four oil paintings, and a few scattered osseous fragments, which have survived the neglect of two hundred years.The paleontologist has, in many cases, far better data for determining the zoological characters of a species which perished myriads of years ago, than those presented by a group of birds, several species: of which were living in the reign of Charles the First.We shall find it convenient to treat of each island, and of its ornithic productions, separately.And, first, of the best known and most celebrated of these creatures, the brevipeunate bird of Mauritius, the Dopo.Read More