Title: Eleocharis yecorensis (Cyperaceae), a new species of spike-sedge from México
Abstract:Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) includes approximately 200 species and is particularly diverse in the New World. A newly discovered species of subgenus Limnochloa is described from the states of Sonora and Me...Eleocharis (Cyperaceae) includes approximately 200 species and is particularly diverse in the New World. A newly discovered species of subgenus Limnochloa is described from the states of Sonora and Mexico, Mexico. Eleocharis yecorensis is related to E. acutangula, E. mutata. and E. quadrangulata and can be distinguished from these species by its five-angled culms, obdeltoid achenes. and narrow neck between tubercle and achene body. In addition. E. yecorensis possesses root storage structures similar to those found in the Chinese water chestnut, Eleocharis dulcis.Read More