Title: Length-Weight Relationship, Condition Factor and Sex-ratio of Fish Fauna in Badagry Creek, Lagos, Nigeria.
Abstract:This study investigated the condition factor, growth pattern and sex ratio of fish species from Badagry creek, Lagos lagoon complex, Nigeria. A total of one thousand and eight specimens (1008) belongi...This study investigated the condition factor, growth pattern and sex ratio of fish species from Badagry creek, Lagos lagoon complex, Nigeria. A total of one thousand and eight specimens (1008) belonging to twelve (12) species were studied. The total length ranged from 12.85±1.54 – 27.49±4.75cm, and body weight ranged from 38.50±14.04 – 159.09±28.24g with Marcusenius senegalensis having the highest and Oreochromis niloticus having the least. All the fish species examined showed positive allometric growth (b > 3) except Marcusenius senegalensis and Gymnarchus niloticus . 478 male and 530 female specimens were caught representing 47.42% and 52.58% of the fish population respectively, giving the overall sex ratio of 1male:1.1 females.Read More