Title: Numerical Analysis Of The T-stub Beam-to- Column Hysteretic Behavior Affected By Beam Height
Abstract:In this paper, we established a 3D nonlinear finite element analysis to high-strength bolt T-stub beam-to-column connections, Study and discussion the influence of beam section height to the hystereti...In this paper, we established a 3D nonlinear finite element analysis to high-strength bolt T-stub beam-to-column connections, Study and discussion the influence of beam section height to the hysteretic behavior, ductility and dissipation capacity of the beam-to-column connections .The results showed that: Appropriate additional of beam height can improved bearing capacity and dissipation capacity of the connections, but excessive high beam section height may limits the ductility of connections.At the same beam section height, appropriately increasing of the beam flange and Web plate thickness can improve ductility and dissipation capacity of the connections.Read More