Title: A Study on the Consumer Activeness in New Media Advertising
Abstract:Background/Objectives: This study analyzed the consumer\'s activeness in the new media advertising, which are the common traits of the new media advertising. Methods/Statistical Analysis: After going ...Background/Objectives: This study analyzed the consumer\'s activeness in the new media advertising, which are the common traits of the new media advertising. Methods/Statistical Analysis: After going over the theories regarding consumer\'s activeness in advertising, it examined specifically the consumer\'s motives for using the new media advertising and the interactive actions in the new media advertising, which are the key concepts regarding the consumer\'s activeness in the new media advertising. Findings: The concept of consumer activeness is dealt with mainly in the researches on new media advertising, such as the Internet advertising, smart phone advertising, IPTV advertising, and personal media advertising, proving that the growth in the consumer\'s activeness in advertising is the most representative phenomenon of today\'s advertising environment. Improvements: This study can contribute to understanding the paradigm change of today’s advertising. Keywords: Advertising Environment, Consumer Activeness, Interactive Action, Motives for using Advertising, New Media AdvertisingRead More