Title: Game among Mobile Operators, Bank and the Third-party Payment Services Provider in Mobile Payment Market
Abstract:With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile payment market, mobile payment business has become the key of mobile value-added business.In order to maximize profits, the major players in th...With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile payment market, mobile payment business has become the key of mobile value-added business.In order to maximize profits, the major players in the mobile payment market have been carrying on an intensive competition to grab market share.This paper analyzes from mobile operators, banks, and third-party payment services providers' perspective, combining with practical situation to build mobile payment market Cournot model with the complete information and the mobile payment market Cournot model with incomplete information, By solving and analyzing models, we propose a operational model for mobile payment market based on China's current situation which combines the joint collaboration by mobile operators and banks, as well as the support from the third-party payment services providers.Read More
Title: $Game among Mobile Operators, Bank and the Third-party Payment Services Provider in Mobile Payment Market
Abstract: With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile payment market, mobile payment business has become the key of mobile value-added business.In order to maximize profits, the major players in the mobile payment market have been carrying on an intensive competition to grab market share.This paper analyzes from mobile operators, banks, and third-party payment services providers' perspective, combining with practical situation to build mobile payment market Cournot model with the complete information and the mobile payment market Cournot model with incomplete information, By solving and analyzing models, we propose a operational model for mobile payment market based on China's current situation which combines the joint collaboration by mobile operators and banks, as well as the support from the third-party payment services providers.