Title: Surgical Neuropathology of Focal Epilepsies: Textbook and Atlas
Abstract:Surgical Neuropathology of Focal Epilepsies: Textbook and Atlas Ingmar Blumcke, Harvey B. Sarnat, and Roland Coras John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France, 2015 157 pages; $99.50 (90.00 €)
This is a ...Surgical Neuropathology of Focal Epilepsies: Textbook and Atlas Ingmar Blumcke, Harvey B. Sarnat, and Roland Coras John Libbey Eurotext, Montrouge, France, 2015 157 pages; $99.50 (90.00 €)
This is a concise and practical gui-de to the neuropathological diagnosis of epileptogenic lesions. This book would be a particularly valuable addition to the shelf of any neuropathologist faced with evaluation of these often enigmatic lesions. The 157 pages of text contain 70 high-quality figures. The first 81 pages comprise a textbook containing a brief introduction followed by 5 chapters add-ressing the major categories of epileptogenic …Read More