Title: The incorporation of dimethylaminoethanol and dimethylaminoisopropyl alcohol into Phormia regina phospholipids
Abstract:The effect of replacing dietary choline with dimethylaminoethanol and dimethylaminoisopropyl alcohol on the larval phospholipids of the blowfly Phormia regzna was investigated.It was found that these ...The effect of replacing dietary choline with dimethylaminoethanol and dimethylaminoisopropyl alcohol on the larval phospholipids of the blowfly Phormia regzna was investigated.It was found that these compounds were incorporated into the phospholipids to the extent of approximately 30% of the total phospholipids when dimethylaminoethanol was used and approximately 18% when dimethylaminoisopropyl alcohol was added to the diet.The separation of these phospholipids by silicic acid chromatography followed by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose is described.The amount of phospholipid-bound choline was greatly reduced when either of these two compounds was incorporated into the phosphatides.The possible significance of these findings is discussed.Read More