Title: Fresh Views of 17th-Century Discoveries by Hooke and van Leeuwenhoek
Abstract:Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek are credited with discovering the microbial world during the 17th century. However, some of the details about their contributions are garbled, leading to an uni...Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek are credited with discovering the microbial world during the 17th century. However, some of the details about their contributions are garbled, leading to an unintended mythology. According to microbiologist Milton Wainwright of Sheffield University in Sheffield, England: “Unfortunately, much of what is taught about the history of microbiology has been oversimplified to the point where plain untruths are being told; at best a fascinating and convoluted story has been reduced to the minimum for easy, uncritical consumption.”Read More