Title: China and the World: Signaling Threat or Opportunities
Abstract:During the last decade, China seems much more active in global economic system and political fields than ever.The majority of the world's scholars believe that China's rise is inevitable.However, some...During the last decade, China seems much more active in global economic system and political fields than ever.The majority of the world's scholars believe that China's rise is inevitable.However, some countries advocate strongly the "China threat theory", which has bad effects on China's economy, political strategies and military power.This paper discussed both the positive and negative sides of China's rise, and mainly analyzed why China's rise actually provides more opportunities rather than threats.Through the studies of China's relationships with the United States, East Asian and African countries, and the opportunities China's economic policies provides, we found that China's rise could be peaceful and beneficial to the world.Furthermore, suggestions for Chinese government are given at the end of this paper.Read More