Title: On Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yaochen’s Collective Acceptance of Han Yu and Meng Jiao and the Reason Beneath
Abstract:Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yaochen's acceptance of Han Yu and Meng Jiao Poetic School, with Tui Min, Chang he, Lian Ju and Li Zuo as the main way, with techniques of expression, skill of form, aesthetic style...Ouyang Xiu and Mei Yaochen's acceptance of Han Yu and Meng Jiao Poetic School, with Tui Min, Chang he, Lian Ju and Li Zuo as the main way, with techniques of expression, skill of form, aesthetic style and theory of artistic creation as the main content, with special socio-cultural environment, strong desire of reforming poetic style, similar life experience and mutual understanding as the background reason, can be examined from both individual and collective perspectives.Read More
Publication Year: 2005
Publication Date: 2005-01-01
Language: en
Type: article
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