Title: 09. The Professional Form of Recognition in Social Work
Abstract:In this paper the theory of recognition is applied to the context of social work, where relations of recognition can easily be strained due to the differences in status, power, and vulnerability to st...In this paper the theory of recognition is applied to the context of social work, where relations of recognition can easily be strained due to the differences in status, power, and vulnerability to stigmatization. A specific form of recognition suitable for professional contexts is outlined and defended. The professional form of recognition is an essential part of efficient and ethical professional support to human development and well-being, in social work but also in many other helping and teaching professions. This form of recognition involves respect, esteem and care for clients. These attitudes contribute to the self-respect, self-esteem and self-love of the clients. On the other hand, professional disrespect, disesteem and indifference may deeply harm the self-feelings and self-relations of clients.Read More