Title: Aplysia Juliana Quoy And Gaimard, 1832 (Mollusca, Gastropoda): Proposed Conservation Of The Specific Name
Abstract:The purpose of this apphcation is to conserve the specific name of Aplysia Juliana Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 for a sea hare (Opisthobranchia, Anaspidea) found worldwide on rocky shores in warm waters.The n...The purpose of this apphcation is to conserve the specific name of Aplysia Juliana Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 for a sea hare (Opisthobranchia, Anaspidea) found worldwide on rocky shores in warm waters.The name is threatened by the unused senior subjective synonym A. sorex Rang, 1828. 1. Rang (1828, p. 57) described the species Aplysia sorex on the basis of a single specimen collected in the Pacific by Lesson during the voyage of the Coqiiille.RangRead More