Title: Reappraisal of the quantitative importance of non-skeletal-muscle source of <i>N</i>τ-methylhistidine in urine
Abstract:The claim of Millward, Bates, Grimble, Brown, Nathan & Rennie [(1980) Biochem. J. 190. 225--228] that muscle actomyosin contributes as little as 25% of urinary N tau-methylhistidine is not consistent ...The claim of Millward, Bates, Grimble, Brown, Nathan & Rennie [(1980) Biochem. J. 190. 225--228] that muscle actomyosin contributes as little as 25% of urinary N tau-methylhistidine is not consistent with other published data from that group [Bates, DeCoster, Grimble, Holloszy, Millward & Rennie (1980) J. Physiol. (London) 303, 41 P] or with literature values. It appears likely that the turnover rate of muscle actomyosin has been considerably underestimated and that when realistic rates of protein turnover are used, muscle tissue remains the major contributor of N tau-methylhistidine in urine.Read More