Title: Defesa, conversão, vingança: a guerra justa contra ameríndios entre letrados e leis castelhanas (1492-1573)
Abstract:In this thesis, the heritage of the Christian tradition of just war was considered in order to understand the modulation experienced by the concept upon its application, in Castilian legislation, to t...In this thesis, the heritage of the Christian tradition of just war was considered in order to understand the modulation experienced by the concept upon its application, in Castilian legislation, to the processes of conquest and colonization of the West Indies from 1492 to 1573.Taking into account the controversy brought with the doubt concerning the legitimacy of the conquest, the positions of some of the most influential theologians, jurists, conquerors and colonial administrators were analyzed.Special attention was provided to the thought of Francisco de Vitoria and Domingo de Soto, the greatest exponents of the School of Salamanca, given the pending historiographical debate toward coadunition between their doctrina communis about war and the rules of Castile.It was observed that, during most of the period studied, the content of the legislation assumed the inferiority of the natives, as well as a theocraticpontifical interpretation of the papal bulls of 1493.The list of triggering causes of war was variable, according to the text and the circumstance, covering defense, punishment, conversion, revenge, domination and civilization imperatives.Read More