Title: Impotance of Non-Group A β-Hemolytic Streptococci in Childhood Tonsillopharyngitis
Abstract:A bacterial possible agent was isolated in 38.0 % of the cases (n:1017). All cases divided into 3 groups based on the throat culture results. The patients with positive group A beta hemolytic streptoc...A bacterial possible agent was isolated in 38.0 % of the cases (n:1017). All cases divided into 3 groups based on the throat culture results. The patients with positive group A beta hemolytic streptococcus cultures constituted Group 1 (the mean age 6.59 years; n:729; 27.2 %). The children with non Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus formed Group 2 (the mean age 5.04 years; n:288; 10.8 %). The patients with no positive cultures and probably with a viral agent was defined as Group 3 (the mean age 5.6 years; n:1662; 62 %). The Centor score was ≥3 in 47 % of Group 1; 34 % of Group 2 and 19% of Group 3 (<0.01). Rapid streptococcus antigen test was positive in 64 % of Group 1 and there was no positive result in Group 2. Conclusion: In pediatric population, the rate of the tonsillopharyngitis with positive culture of non- Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus was 10.8 %, and 34 % of these patients had 3 or more Centor score.Read More