Title: Development of a floating breakwater for marine construction by using a used VLCC
Abstract:A calm sea area is necessary to keep safety and operation of workvessel for marine construction of large-scale floating structures and artificial islands in open sea. For these purposes, floating brea...A calm sea area is necessary to keep safety and operation of workvessel for marine construction of large-scale floating structures and artificial islands in open sea. For these purposes, floating breakwaters have been receiving great interest from the view of adaptability to water depth, movability after works, etc. In this study, floating breakwaters utilizing a used VLCC have been developed. In order to get the better performance effectively, a concept of remodeling hull form and a proper arrangement of floating breakwaters were established. A cost effectiveness of the floating breakwater and operation rate of workvessel were evaluated, and the practicality of the floating breakwater by using a used VLCC was confirmed for marine construction.Read More