Title: Application of disc electrophoresis for production of antiserum to rat prolactin
Abstract:For the production of the antiserum to prolactin, especially of the mouse or the rat, a large amount of normal or tumorous anterior pituitaries is necessary for prolactin preparation as antigen. Studi...For the production of the antiserum to prolactin, especially of the mouse or the rat, a large amount of normal or tumorous anterior pituitaries is necessary for prolactin preparation as antigen. Studies on analytical disc electrophoresis have found that the rat anterior pituitary (RAP) contains much larger amount of prolactin and growth hormone than other hormones.The present paper deals with a trial for the production of the antiserum to rat prolactin (RPL) by administering RPL segment of polyacrylamide gel after electrophoresis instead of extracted RPL preparation.Read More