Title: Malignant Lymphoma in the Spinal Epidural Space. A Report of Two Cases.
Abstract:We reported on two cases of Malignant Lymphoma in the spinal epidur al space. Case 1 was a 49-year-old man and case 2 was an 82-year-old wo man. Both cases had a neurological deficit without any evide...We reported on two cases of Malignant Lymphoma in the spinal epidur al space. Case 1 was a 49-year-old man and case 2 was an 82-year-old wo man. Both cases had a neurological deficit without any evidence of systemic lymphoma. Laminectmy was performed in both cases and the tumors were removed and proved to be Malignant Lymphoma, the diffuse small cell type, pathologically. Postoperatively, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were administered and led to the improvement of the neurological symptoms.Read More