Title: Multiple Warthin's Tumors in Both Parotid Glands; A Case Report.
Abstract:Parotid gland tumors are usually unilateral, and bilateral parotid gland tumors are rare, Warthin's tumor (adenolymphoma) being the most common. Warthin's tumor is the most common tumor of parotid gla...Parotid gland tumors are usually unilateral, and bilateral parotid gland tumors are rare, Warthin's tumor (adenolymphoma) being the most common. Warthin's tumor is the most common tumor of parotid gland except pleomorphic adenoma. Warthin's tumors in both parotid glands are found in 5 to 10% of all patients with Warthin's tumors in the parotid glands. We present a case with a total of 9 Warthin's tumors in both parotid glands. A 66-year-old male came to our department because of throat discomfort, and bilateral parotid tumors were subsequently revealed. CT-scan and MRI showed 8 solitary lesions in both parotid glands. The masses were removed surgically, with preservation of the facial nerves. There were a total of 3 tumors in the right parotid gland, and 6 in the left parotid gland. The histological diagnosis was Warthin's tumors in both parotid glands. Nine Warthin's tumors in a case are the most numerous ever reported in Japan.Read More